Learning and Technology

How has my own learning been informed by Technology? Youth and Digital Culture (EDGU1002) has enlightened my understanding of the significant role technology play in society and culture. The course has taught me how technology has the capability to shape … Continue reading Learning and Technology

Remixing in tutorial

According to FACT (2016), the most sampled piece of music is “Change the beat” by Beside. Bellow is the original track. Knobel (2008) states how “Remix means to take cultural artefacts and combine and manipulate them into new kinds of creative blends.”   References: Knobel, M., & Lankshear, C. (2008). Remix: The Art and Craft of Endless Hybridization. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 52(1), 22- 33. SUMMER HITS 2015 (Mashup) – T10MO Continue reading Remixing in tutorial

New literacies

New literacies can commonly be recognized as new modes of literacy implemented through advancements in digital technologies. Although technology plays a significant role in our lives, new literacies do not essentially require the utilization of digital technologies to be identified as such. As the world is constantly evolving, the same can be said with new literacies, whereby increasingly non-linear and complex ideas are be revamped, manipulated and transformed, however where original roots are kept.

New literacies can be seen as an interactive platform, where new ideas can be generated, adding to the existing, inevitably making old things new again. Rather than concepts and practices being displaced, they evolve. In todays day and age, Lankshear and Knobel (2012) make it evident that people hold a “that’s so yesterday” attitude or perspective. They continue to support this idea stating “the kinds of practices we currently identify as new literacies will cease to be ‘new’. Henceforth, a noticeable patterns appears,  that new literacies have a short life-span, whereby once “sufficiently grounded and established” (Lankshear and Knobel 2012), they are due to become old. Regardless of their seemingly short lives, they are nonetheless recognized as new literacies.

So what are examples of new literacies? How effective and engaging are they? This will be explored looking at literacy forms currently trending.


How is Tumblr an example of new literacy?

Tumblr is a multi dynamic and dimensional webpage which allows for variety in communication, from inbox and messaging, photo, video and ‘gif’ posts, comment, share and blog. It allows individuals to construct something incredible and outstanding. Tumblr makes blogging easier than ever before, now having an app, which allows individuals to post anywhere, anytime from the palm of their hands. The site established in 2007, has shown a rapid, yet consistent growth, with currently  305.9 million accounts (2016), comparing to 246.6 million accounts just last year according to Statista (2016).

The site is constantly evolving and changing, adjusting to exterior changes of the world. It seems, just as the world around us is changing, so is Tumblr, keeping up to date which the needs and wants of consumers.

So why did i choose to explore Tumblr? I have been a user since 2013 and to this day, still love the site. Personally speaking, I believe the site allows for self expression and can reflect ones identity, who they are, what they’re about. Take a look at my webpage here http://daiziesandsunflowers.tumblr.com . I have interests in motor motorvehicles, hip-hop/rap artists, animals and nature, so these particular interests are evident in my webpage. I am able to express concepts, images and quotes which relate to my interests which reflects communication on a different level.

Without doubt, it is an interactive platform. It allows for communication on many scales. The site is constantly undergoing updates and changes and is constantly finding ways to remain popular.


How is Twitter an example of new literacy?

Twitter, is an online social-network site, which allows for individuals to send and recieve messages called ‘tweets’.  The service is evolving rapidly, gaining more users each year. It not only allows for direct and public messaging but stay connected with one another. It’s a great form of network where people can post status’, updates and communicate to the entire world. Just like Tumblr, it reflects self expression, where users can post images, videos, quotes and share content which holds meaning and value to them. Twitter is extremely effective, for the reasons listed above, however many ways individuals can engage with the site and one another makes it significant.

I chose to explore Twitter as I am aware it’s an incredibly popular website, however didn’t know too much about it until I did some research. Twitter is not of particular interest to me thus I wanted to gather more information about it.

Although the site only allows messages to have 140 characters, I foresee the website to expand the number of characters allowed, which I believe is limiting factor. So for Twitter to stay alive, I believe it will need to make such a change, otherwise the site could potentially have an expiry date.


How is Wikipedia an example of new literacy?

Wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia, which contains millions of articles on varying topics, historical events/figures, music, films, events, cultures, traditions, significant individuals and much more.Wikipedia is such a useful tool, where anyone can access it. Wikipedia is effective as it not only enables individuals to read articles but also allows for users to actively engage as they can not only edit articles but also create their own articles.

The website reflects all the characteristics of what new literacies are defined as. Although the website was established in 2001, it still incredibly holds so much relevance to individuals worldwide, which I believe is due to keeping up to date with the world around us. Although the webpage is generally not accepted as a ‘scholarly source’, the site is a great starting platform/point, where individuals can gain knowledge and information.

As I am constantly using Wikipedia as a source to gain more background knowledge, I wanted to further explore the webpage in more depth and see how it is seen as a new literacy practice.


How is Fan-fiction an example of new literacy?

Fan-fiction is a term I became familiar with just recently. Before undertaking EDGU1002, i had never heard of it before. So I wanted to explore this form of new literacy in depth.

Fan-fiction is commonly described as fans creating fiction writings about characters or surroundings in a movie, book or game. It has become increasingly popular due to advent and development of the Internet. Although not all new literacies depend on digital technology, it appears Fan-fiction mainly does. It is commonly favoured by youth between ages of 12-20, however is not restricted to ages below or above that bracket. Fan-fiction enables individuals to unleash their imagination, communicate amongst themselves and comment about various genres of film, novel or video-gaming.It even allows for people to create their own terminology such as “shippers” and “slash”. Fan-fiction allows for multiple opportunities for participation, contribution and collaboration. This concept requires active reading, writing, understanding but more importantly holds a different form of communication.


Continue reading “New literacies”

“Is participatory culture only a concept that applies to the use of technology? Is participatory culture positive, negative or a neutral phenomenon?”

Participatory culture is where the production and consumption of creations both on and offline, is encouraged and accepted inclusively. Gee and Hayes (2010) state how participatory cultures are formulated through an affinity, communal interests or passion people share.  It’s a … Continue reading “Is participatory culture only a concept that applies to the use of technology? Is participatory culture positive, negative or a neutral phenomenon?”